Welcome to The Land of Smiles

land of smiles, thailand, railay beach

What brought me to the Land of Smiles

It’s after graduation and for the first time, I’m no longer a student. I’m fresh and new to the world that exists post academia. I’m so eager to jump into that world.

At the end of my efforts, going abroad was all made possible via TEFL Heaven. They’re a UK ‘based’ company that trains and certifies ESL teachers abroad. This company offered several locations around the world, but something about Thailand reeled me in. It was far away, in a part of the world that appeared so vastly different from what is ‘western’. In my research, they called the country the ‘Land of Smiles’. This referred to the sincerity of warmth found in its culture and people. They were described as welcoming and warm, always greeting others with smiles. It was an easy decision really, Thailand was the one for me. 

TEFL Heaven trained you ‘in country’, which means I flew out to Thailand to train with 20 or so other young adults from the US and the UK. I left in April of 2017 and two weeks prior to the start date of training. Why not get a little exploring in before everything starts?

I had no fear, no nerves, just absolute elation. Maybe a lack of fear makes me crazy, but I was just so ready for anything. And I’ll admit, I often carry a false sense of security- I just trust that things will be alright. And if they aren't, they'll get there eventually. 

Touch down in Bangkok

I remember vividly, landing in Bangkok and taking those first steps out of the airport. I was hit by the humid air and greeted by the cheeky, haggling taxi drivers. Beware of this at the airport and always take a taxi with the meter ON. It was very late at night, I threw my bags in and hopped in and headed for my hostel. If I close my eyes, I can still see those Bangkok streets passing in the window. It was my very first introduction into what the world looked like in Asia. It was still bustling at 4am, telephone wires cloaked the sky and covered the streets. People were everywhere, cooking food, walking with friends or having a beer. It was so different, everything about it- the way it looked, smelled and felt. 

In the two weeks that followed, I met up with a friend from back home and we island hopped off the coast of Thailand, in the Andaman Sea. The rumors were true, the people were amazing, friendly and always excited to see foreign faces. They embraced others visiting their home wholeheartedly. It was stunning, the tropical islands and beaches, sunsets every night that took your breath away. I was totally smitten. 

My TEFL training took place on Koh Chang, an island in the Gulf of Thailand- sounds awful right? It was a spectacular experience and honestly life changing. It was the very beginning of what’s allowed me to live the last six years abroad. In training, they gave us the tools and insight we would need and use in the classroom. They provided some cultural training and language lessons as well; and best of all, they fostered a community of people that would be there, in it with you. So, right from the get go, I made lifelong friends and still keep them close to this day. 


 After completing the certification, TEFL Heaven assists you in job placements and then you’re off on your own. A job is guaranteed and is on reason why their programs are so appealing, it makes the jump abroad easy.

It remains the Land of Smiles to this day

The year that followed was full of absolute beauty, joy and exploration. I fell madly in love with traveling and very quickly, I realized that this was something I wanted to do. 

People really are wonderful everywhere you go. Traveling reaffirms your trust and belief in humanity. Generally, people are good and they will try to help you. I have travelled most of Asia now, and to this day, the people of Thailand hold a special place in my heart. The kids I taught, the friends that I made and the strangers I came across; they remain to be the warmest of them all. It truly is the Land of Smiles.

Driving through jungle on Koh Chang Island, land of smiles.

Jungle rides

Koh Chang Island - Gulf of Thailand

  • Madeline

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