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We all have something to share
Despite its many wonders and beauty, Thailand has a dirty little secret. I open up about how I ended up at a ping pong show and dive into the unfortunate truth behind the culture of sex tourism that exists abroad and in Asia.
As scary as traveling alone can seem, I share why I fell in love with the experience of being on my own. There is so much to learn when we go solo and the biggest lesson of all, it's really not that scary.
Moving to Shanghai China. My excitement, expectations and hopes for that next great adventure.
We all have something to share
Ready to do it on your own? Traveling solo can be both an intimidating and life changing experience. Being on your own means the adventure is elevated to a higher and more intimate level. I promise it’s really not scary at all. Go solo and learn to build trust within yourself.
Being on the road isn’t always easy or pretty. I’ve had my ups and downs and here you can find stories of all the mishaps and strokes of luck. I’ve learned to love all of the ‘unexpected’. It’s often the things you don’t plan or the people you didn’t know you’d meet, that make a place truly special.
While living in Shanghai, China - I share what it was like during the outbreaks, restrictions and lockdowns of 2022. Take a look at how one virus continues to wreak havoc on the world; and how the Chinese government takes its power to a new and dangerous extreme.
In 2020 the pandemic flipped the world upside down and it wasn’t until recently that life resumed its old ways. Today, the effects of the pandemic still linger and affect us each in our own way. Covid challenged my patience and resolve, as it did for most of us. In the end, the virus gifted many of us with new insights and perspectives. In the end, many lessons were learned.